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Just thought I'd let everyone know how my "MEET and GREET" with Randy Travis went, in Bonnyville, alberta,canada.

First, The Concert:

He sang a few of his new, and a few of his older songs, and wrapped up the concert with of course "Forever and ever Amen"

He was eating cough drops like candy, and in my opinion his voice came and went/was weak and strong at different points. He tried very hard though.

I talked with his bass player after the show, and he mentioned allergies as one of the problems.All of his band was nice and all gave me "the time of day" when it came to signing some cds for me. They all signed all three of my album covers I presented, Randy signed his :body guard pushed the others away. When I was in the back room with Randy, and his "51st" birthday cake, I presented him with a Great card! and a gift of some Pierre Cardin cologne. Randy was alert and attentive...he would've signed all I gave if it weren't for his pushy body guard.I asked him if I could put a link on my web site to his, and he shook his head and said what was that, I explained it (as quickly as I could) and he he said sure/whatever. Basically an agreeing move. (link to Randy's Ranch on GREAT NEW OFFERS page)

I go my daughter backstage as well, and we both got pictures.

It was a short but gratifying experience ,it was. Randy has been long looked up to by me as a super creative writer, and an honest heartfelt singer.

Thank-You Randy (and his Great Band)for this experience.

Also like to mention that his wife Elizabeth was on hand, and I got her to sign a pic of her and Randy at one of the award shows. She gladly signed, and gave me a moment of her time , before quickly returning to the task of selling CD's(at the end of the show).

Randy enjoyed a surprise cake, and the whole band donned red/orange party hats on stage as we all sang "Happy Birthday " to Randy.

I also gave Randy some info on " Charissa Grace and Katalyna Hope, and their" The CAH affected little girls. I didn't have the chance to talk about that-(his guard was very pushy.saying we must hurry it along) but I'm sure Randy will look at it, and Remember me as I remember meeting him. I also gave him my home -written poem, and asked him "maybe he could make it into a song?" he responded with a " yeah.. ok"Like he would for surely look at it. I felt wonderful, that a famous man like him was just as friendly towards a fan as his own friends.

All in all it was a 99.9 /100 experience! (.1 coming off for that body guard's rudeness.)

And now the evidence is in!!! see the photos, and video.

ps -It was funny that the rude one got it back, by not being able to work the simple camera,. we laughed later..that was his payback...KARMA!

( ALL above is my opinion, on my experience.No harm is intended to Randy or his staff)

**Video will be inserted later, as Vistaprint is experiencing some difficulties-thank you for your support.

randy travis and me

me and randy

the Highest BIDDER/donation will receive one of two "up for grabs", autographed CD's)

****************GOOD LUCK*****************

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